Monday, January 12, 2009

The Taiwanese people are the most friendly and accomodating people you could possibly imagine!! They are always going completely out of their way to help us wherever we may be. I have never experienced such brilliant service and just general concern that we are helped properley. If you come to taiwan you will also be amazed at how everybody will try and assist you in any way they can!! Thank you Taiwan!
Ok so as you know scooters are a big NO NO for the tolerator and I...for obvious reasons.So we normalyy catch cabs everywhere but being the explorer that I am I decided that try the bus for a change...I mean..everybodys doing it!!
Lets just say....BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAd idea!! It took me almost two hours to get to my destination which is about 15 minutes from the apartment! I can really empathise with a goldfish now as I found myself going round and round on route passing the same buildings over and over and over again....
Just some insight into some of our experiences...the team decided to go to one of our favorite restaurants down the road to enjoy a good cappucino and a snack to eat. Whilst we were sitting chatting about the day, we noticed a man sit down at the table next to us. It was only when he started having a full on conversation with himself that we really beagn to pay attention. Judging from his excitement in his tone we thought he may be practicing for a date or something....but he wasn't joined by ANYONE and the conversation did not stop. Not even when he pulled out his own dinner from his bag (a turkey wing the size of a terradactile's). But we only really took proper notice of him when he pulled out a toothbrush, toothpaste and flask of water and started brushing his teeth at the table.......alright then. A new friend in taiwan!!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The team decided that it was about time we experience the night life in Taiwan. So the mumsys and the daughters decided to hit a local hangout frequented by both Taiwanese and alot of foreigners. A very interesting affair. Although no karaoke, we still had a great night and ended up at the 7-11 afterwards which actually turns into quite a party in the early hours of the morning! So in actual fact what we learnt was that you can just go out and hit a 7-11 hop and you are always sure to find a good crowd.....
The thing about being in Taiwan is that you can be, dress, act or misbehave how ever you want to and nobody will take any notice of you at all. Its pretty awsum. Oh and we learnt that you are way more popular if you take your mom out with you!! hahahahahaha......its an older woman thing!!!!! LOL Thanks mama
The night life in general is much more popular here as everything opens up so much later here. You can rewire you internal clock to start your day at twelve and end it at around 3am in the morning Monday thru Sunday!! Alot of ppl here live like this. However when I say night life i dont mean clubbing etc I mean just in general to live normally in those hours.
Ok so its not a dela but it will do for now!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Innovation and motivation
Fashion, fashion and more.......Fashion.....My word...have they the Asians got it going on in the apparel sector....Everywhere you go whether it be Taipei city or a remote, completly secluded village in the mountains, best you make sure you are dressed to impress because no matter where you go in Taiwan fashion always seems to be the focus!!! From Clothing to accessories to handbags and hairstyles, it is AWSUM to see how well the taiwanese dress!

"Life is a book and those of us that do not travel only read one page......."mmmmmmmm interesting thought! As I begin my first big adventure living in Taiwan I have created this blog to share some of my Asian experiences with all of you whom I love and miss so much!!
I hope it gives you some insight to life here and that you enjoy what I have to share. There is so much here to see and do but we'll just take it one step at a time.....